Occupancy surveys

The monthly hotel occupancy survey provides information on the occupancy rates and rooms and beds sold in Northern Ireland hotels.

The Online Occupancy Survey

From January 2023, the Occupancy Survey moved to an online methodology. In previous years the survey was based on postal and email returns however the new methodology aims to collect data in a more environmentally conscious and user-friendly way.

Further information and Guidance on how to complete the online survey on the online Occupancy Survey can be found here The Online Occupancy Survey


Annual hotel occupancy survey results

In May 2017 after assessment by the Office for  Statistics Regulation this publication was awarded National Statistics accreditation. National Statistics status means that official statistics meet the highest standards of trustworthiness, quality and public value.

All official statistics should comply with all aspects of the Code of Practice for Official Statistics. They are awarded National Statistics status following an assessment by the Office for Statistics Regulation. The Office for Statistics Regulation considers whether the statistics meet the highest standards of Code compliance, including the value they add to public decisions and debate.

The latest Annual hotel occupancy survey results can be accessed below.

Monthly hotel occupancy survey 

The latest hotel occupancy monthly tables can be accessed below:

The Research section in Tourism Northern Ireland was responsible for any results prior to 2011, these publications can be accessed through the Tourism Northern Ireland website.

Tourism statistics branch also publish statistics on Northern Ireland guesthouse, bed & breakfast and guest accommodation occupancy. These statistics can be accessed below.

Useful links

More information on data quality can be found at

More information on the quality of administrative sources can be found at

You can be kept up to date by joining our mailing list which can be done here

Most recent documents

Contacts for Occupancy surveys

NI Occupancy Surveys

Tourism Statistics Branch
Colby House
Stranmillis Court

Email: tourismstatistics@nisra.gov.uk

Telephone: +44(0)28 9025 5232