Urban - Rural Classification

Guidance and supporting information on the statistical classification and delineation of urban/rural areas and settlements in Northern Ireland

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Settlement Development Limits (2015)

Settlement Development Limits (SDLs) are a statistical classification and delineation of settlements in Northern Ireland defined by the DOE Planning Service in November 2014. SDL boundaries are available for settlements exceeding the thresholds of 20 or more households and 50 or more usual residents.

Attribute Table

Code Settlement Coding Convention
Name Settlement name
Band Settlement band
DT_20MIN Indicator of whether  a settlement is within a 20 min drive-time of a service provision location
DT_30MIN Indicator of whether  a settlement is within a 30 min drive-time of a service provision location
UR_ex 2011 census count of usual residents for each settlement polygon
OccHH_ex 2011 census count of occupied households for each settlement polygon
UR-ap 2011 Census count if usual residents for each approximated settlement polygon (approximated by aggregates of 100m grid squares)
OccHH_ap 2011 Census count if occupied households for each approximated settlement polygon (approximated by aggregates of 100m grid squares)

Settlement Development Limits (2005)

Settlement Development Limits (SDLs) are a statistical classification and delineation of settlements in Northern Ireland defined by the Planning Service.  SDL boundaries are available for settlements with a population of greater than 1,000. Further information is available in the Report of the Inter-Departmental Urban-Rural Definition Group.

Attribute Table

Location Name of Settlement
LGD Local Government District
Band_name Statistical classification band name as defined by the Planning service
Band Statistical classification label
Pop_2001 Settlement population count
Hsce_2001 Settlement household count
Geoarea_ha Area settlement in hectares
Easting Geographic centroid easting
Northing Geographic centroid nothing

SDL boundaries in GIS format