External Overnight Trips to Northern Ireland

Latest figures for External Overnight Trips to Northern Ireland.

Latest figures for external overnight trips to Northern Ireland


While this publication provides information on tourists from outside of NI, NISRA does not have direct responsibility for the collection of all such information, some of which is provided from organisations in the RoI.

The value and volume of overseas visitors to Northern Ireland (NI) who exited through a NI port is measured using the NI Passenger Survey (NIPS).

From 2010, the administration of the survey has been carried out by the Northern Ireland Statistics & Research Agency, Central Survey Unit. 

Detailed methodology can be found at the link below:

Information on GB and all other overseas visitors arriving via RoI ports and terminals is provided by Failte Ireland. Information on RoI visitors is provided by Central Statistics Office in the RoI.

These three sources are combined to estimate the number of external  overnight trips to NI.

Further information on the Survey of Overseas Travellers methodology is available from Failte Ireland below:

Further information on the Household Travel Survey methodology and content is available from the CSO below:

Useful links

More information on data quality can be found at

More information on the quality of administrative sources can be found at

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