Programme for Government

This page is currently under review. The most up to date information on Programme for Government is available on The Executive Office website.

Draft Programme for Government Framework


draft Programme for Government Framework was consulted on during 2016 and uses an outcomes-based approach. These outcomes are things with which people can identify, such as living longer and healthier lives or attracting better jobs - and are designed to stay in place for a generation rather than a single Assembly term.

The framework has been used as the basis for the Outcomes Delivery Plan which sets out the actions that departments will take to give effect to the previous Executive’s stated objectives of Improving wellbeing - by tackling disadvantage and driving economic growth.

Monitoring the draft Programme for Government

The position and progress of each Outcome is measured using a range Indicators. A list of the 12 Outcomes is available via the Programme for Government Outcomes page. Information on each of the 49 Indicators is available at the TEO Indicators webpage.

Metadata for each indicator can be found in the Data download on each Indicator page.

More information on the development of the draft Programme for Government, including the consultation and Outcomes Delivery Plan is available on The Executive Office website.

Related statistics

Programme for Government Analysis

These publications provide further monitoring and evaluation of the Outcomes focused draft Programme for Government.

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Programme for Government Outcomes

List of Programme for Government Outcomes

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