Neighbourhood Statistics (NINIS)

The Northern Ireland Neighbourhood Information Service (NINIS) is no longer available. 


NINIS hosted datasets (statistics), area profiles, interactive content and static maps.  The NINIS redirect page is available to ensure that, as far as possible, users will continue to have access to this information.  It sets out these arrangements and includes interactive lookup tables that provide links to the new locations or contact email addresses. 

Data Portal

home page of the NISRA Data Portal


The NISRA Data Portal is live and replaces the statistics element of the NINIS.  The portal has been populated with many of the datasets previously uploaded to NINIS and other data produced by NISRA statisticians located in all the NICS departments. It gives users the opportunity to view and filter data sets, plot interactive charts and visualise data on interactive maps, save queries, create favourtie datasets and widgets, access data in multiple formats - xlsx, csv, JSON-stat, px, and share results and automate processes using API queries.

Training Materials

Training materials (NISRA Data Portal user guide, instructional video and FAQ section) have been published to help you navigate and use the new system (accessed via the Quick links section) .  Online training sessions are also available.

If you have any questions, have any feedback or want to express an interest in joining an online training session please get in touch -

Related statistics

Section 75 data

NISRA produce a wide range of Section 75 data.  

Read more