Vital Statistics Documentation

This page contains links to the Vital Statistics publication schedule, policy, guidance and data quality related documents that users may find useful.

The NISRA Privacy Notice explains how NISRA will use your personal information and protect your privacy. 

Publication Schedule

Find out when all the reports and data produced by Vital Statistics will be published

Quality Assurance of Administrative Data (QAAD)

The Quality Assurance of Administrative Data (QAAD) is a regulatory standard created by the UK Statistics Authority. QAAD documents contain information on processes involved from data collection to publication with a focus on quality assurance.

Quality Assurance Processes

Background Quality Reports (BQRs)

Below are links to the BQRs for each of the areas covered by the Vital Statistics Unit. BQRs describe the quality of the data and details any points that should be noted when using the outputs.

User Guides and Process Maps
